Home US: Open nomination as Biden revives
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US: Open nomination as Biden revives

Biden leads in states won and delegates awarded. Leading candidates Biden and Sanders are far from winning nomination while Warren fades and Bloomberg remains a second-tier candidate, Joseph Trevisani from FXStreet reports.

Key quotes

“Former Vice-President Joe Biden revived his campaign to be the Democratic nominee against incumbent Donald Trump in November winning at least eight of 14 primary contests but the count in the remaining six, including the two largest California and Texas, will likely ensure that neither man reaches the July convention with enough pledged delegates to win on the first ballot.”

“Despite spending upwards of $400 million of his own money, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg seems to have made little headway with the Democratic primary electorate, garnering just 27 delegates for an average cost of $15 million apiece.”

“ Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren came in third in her own state at 20.7% of the vote behind the winner Biden with 33.7% and Biden at 27.0%.”


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