Following are the key headlines from the June RBA monetary policy statement (via Reuters):
Unchanged policy consistent with sustainable economic growth.
Consistent with meeting CPI target over time.
Level of interest rates continues to support the Australia economy.
Expects economic growth to pick up to average above 3% in 2018, 2019.
Inflation likely to remain low for some time.
Wage growth appears to have troughed.
Wage growth remains low, likely to continue for a while yet.
Appreciating AUD would be expected to result in a slower pick up in the economy, inflation.
AUD remains within range from past 2 years.
Housing markets in Sydney, Melbourne have slowed.
Macroprudential measures helpful in containing the build-up of household debt.
Household consumption remains a source of uncertainty.
There are concerns about the direction of international trade policy in the US.
There are concerns about economic developments in a few emerging markets.