Here are some very interesting reads that I’ve gathered during the week from various blogs I read. There are lots of interesting pieces about this week’s stunning FOMC decision to print one trillion dollars, and its impact on forex trading.
- Kathy Lien looks at the Swiss Franc, and talks about the possibility of negative interest rates.
- James Chen with an interesting technical outlook on the EUR/USD in the upcoming week, after this week’s rally.
- SpikeCharts on the dollar’s correction just before the weekend. Is it temporary or are we seeing a change?
- Eric deCarbonnel on China and Russia rethinking the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.
- FX360 on how the dollar is living on borrowed time – with reference to many currency pairs.
- Forex Blog checks out how China, the still growing economic giant, maintains a so-called “stable” currency.
Of course, there are lots more interesting articles on the web, and I never have enough time to read all of them 🙂
The Forex weekly outlook will be published here soon. Have a great weekend!