Here’s a nice bunch of interesting forex related reads for this long weekend. I find them very interesting. This time,
- Forex Initiate brings us quotes of wisdom for the current forex environment, and emphasizes on Money Management. Also read my piece on a forex demo account for money mangement.
- Eric deCarbonnel writes an important piece about how Russia drops the dollar for the Euro as their reserve currency. This is one of the blows that the dollar got this week.
- Kathy Lien explores the realistic option that the US will receive a credit downgrading.
- Adam Kritzer explains the gap between a good outlook for Australia and a bad outlook for the Aussie. AUD/USD is one of my favorites…
- Lena examines the British Pound, and wonders if it’s a victim of over confidence. Read my roundup of the Rollercoaster Pound.
- Casey Stubbs writes about the basics of the forex market. Interesting also for those of you who are trading for a long time.
As always, there’s never enough time to read all the interesting articles. Maybe this long weekend (for those in the US) will allow more time for reading…