Home Forex Crunches for the Weekend – January 14 2012
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Forex Crunches for the Weekend – January 14 2012

Yohay Elam

After a very turbulent week that ended with a French credit downgrade, the markets are now closed. It’s time to digest the big events moving currencies in the long term, in a more relaxed manner. Here are selected reads for the weekend.

At first, the European Central Bank managed to calm the markets. This didn’t last too long though.

  • Central Bank News  published an excellent Central Bank Calendar for 2012, after summarizing 2011,
  • Lior Cohen provides a great outlook for gold and silver for January 2012.
  • Kathy Lien talks about what’s in store for the euro in a TV interview.
  • Mish discusses the trouble in the core of the core – Germany. It is probably contracting as well.
  • Izabella Kaminska dives into central banks, that are good only as good as their targets.
  • Larry Greenberg analyzes the growing gap between the US and Europe regarding service sector PMIs. This is dollar positive.
  • Michael Greenberg  summarizes 2011 in the forex industry with a beautiful and fascinating report.
  • Francesc Riverloa  reports that FXStreet added 15 million page views in 2011. Also Forex Crunch  enjoyed a 75% y-o-y growth in page views.
  • Casey Stubbs announces a forex trading contest (with prizes).
  • James Woolley explains why you should stop trading USD/JPY in 2012.

On Forex Crunch, you are welcome to download the forex quarterly outlook for Q1, by joining the newsletter on the form below.

In addition, here are some long term articles published recently:

Yohay Elam

Yohay Elam

Yohay Elam: Founder, Writer and Editor I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I've accumulated. After taking a short course about forex. Like many forex traders, I've earned a significant share of my knowledge the hard way. Macroeconomics, the impact of news on the ever-moving currency markets and trading psychology have always fascinated me. Before founding Forex Crunch, I've worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies. I have a B. Sc. in Computer Science from Ben Gurion University. Given this background, forex software has a relatively bigger share in the posts.