Home Shortcuts to making trading easier for you
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Shortcuts to making trading easier for you


MetaTrader 4 is one of the world’s leading trading platforms and is popular amongst hundreds of brokers and traders. With high performance and a full suite of features, the benefits of MetaTrader 4 include:

  • Advanced Security

MT4 is one of the most advanced and trustworthy trading platforms on the market, with a highly secure encryption system in place to protect users from potential hacks and risks.

  • Accessibility

MT4 offers incredible versatility, offering users the ability to access their trading account from any internet browser or device, including PC, Mac and mobile.

  • Friendly User Experience

MT4’s interface is extremely intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate even for beginner traders.

  • Charts & Tools

With MT4, you can customise your trading dashboard with drag and drop charts and historical data analysis tools. This allows you to trade and analyse the market simultaneously.

  • Automated Trading

MT4 platforms are compatible with third party Expert Advisors so you can automate your trading as per your individual needs and preferences.

  • Flexibility

MT4 grants users access to the full suite of trading options, including forex, commodities, CFDs and indices.

  • One Click Trading

Trade with speed and simplicity thanks to MT4’s one click trading.

As most traders would understand – in the world of forex, time is money.

The great news is MetaTrader 4 includes quite a few handy keyboard  shortcuts to  save you time in those situations when you  need to place a trade  fast.

“MetaTrader 4 is the most popular Forex trading platform and to help our clients use it more effectively, we have created these tips and keyboard shortcuts,” explains Marc Elison from AxiTrader.

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