Facebook have hired John Collins, a partner at FS Vector, to lobby on blockchain policy. The hire comes as Facebook has ruffled many government feathers and they are now looking to make strides to ease concerns.
There has been much speculation surrounding Libra after US policymaker Waters travelled to Switzerland to meet thing Swiss officials who are looking to regulate the token.
Swiss regulators have asked for more paperwork from the social media giants with the US official asking for the same.
While all of this was going on UK Bank of England Governor Mark Carney called for a “Libra style” currency to overthrow the US dollar. Having said that he did say it could be a cryptocurrency back by a few governments or central bank.
More about Collins, he previously served as head of policy for digital currency exchange Coinbase. He now joins a growing crop of lobbyists and lawyers representing Facebook on Libra issues, Politico reported last month Facebook had spent over USD 7.5 million alone this year on lobbying efforts for Libra. Including employing third-party lobbying firms including Sternhell Group and the Cypress Group and the law firm Davis Polk.