3 days before the elections in Greece and there is a growing notion that opposition anti-bailout party SYRIZA is getting closer to big victory.
A fresh poll by Palmos Analysis shows SYRIZA with 36% support against 26% for incumbent New Democracy.
This is the widest gap so far and up from the previous poll by the same company that showed a 34.5% to 29% result, only 5.5%.
Is we look at projected seats in parliament, also here Alexis Tsipras’ party extends its lead and is projected to receive 149 seats against 72 for incumbent Antonis Samaras. However, this is 2 seats short of an outright absolute majority.
So far, only one poll gave SYRIZA 151 out of 300 seats, thus making a coalition government unnecessary. However, voters might be “breaking” for the opposition: a rally held in by Tsipras attracted large crowds.
The new government will likely find a compromise with the other EU partners which are its creditors. It is not of anyone’s interest to send Greece out of the euro-zone.
In any case, there are wider implications: the Spanish sister party of SYRIZA, called Podemos (“we can” in Spanish) could certainly gain traction on a victory for Tsipras in Greece. Pablo Iglesias and Tsipras have exchanged compliments on Twitter.
The euro is still recovering from Draghi’s trillion+ euros of QE and the pair trades at levels last seen in 2002, already under 1.14.